Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lantern.. or IS it?!

Well, here it is~~ my paper lantern as of January 22nd.
(Pardon my lack of a hyphen key)

Not the most tedious project I've done, but it's definitely the most painful. Physically painful, that is. I must have been holding the blade wrong, but I've developed a few blisters. Meanwhile, I see other people punching holes in the paper as if he or she was a graceful machine.

"Tedious" art for me usually isn't work. I receive hours of enjoyment, running smooth, heavy black ink across notebook paper, or across a surface where ink is not known to belong (e.g. a small patch of wall in my bedroom). Working on the same paper for hours becomes difficult when the surface area is dwindling at a linear rate, which, I assume, is why I'm not used to.

Planning also makes me not want to do things. On a somewhat related note, when I want to do something, it is not usually planned. When I feel like drawing, it usually requires solitude, and I spend as much time as I feel appropriate to empty the pen's ink supply onto the paper from my notebook or hand or what have you. Having a project already in mind makes my brain think that the end result will be different than expected, gradually dissuading me from continuing work. I eventually pull through, but it takes much longer.
If I think "I have to," I don't want to. For some reason, if I know "no one else has done this" or "..." I just... naturally... do things?

I admire writers and their many talents of writing and creativity, always finding the right words for the things from their brain.

What I plan to add to the lantern: two humans sitting together , sharing a blanket over their shoulders; gifts boxes and little toys roaming around; yeah.

Here's what it may look like in the future, at a certain angle:

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